__________Appreciate the little things in life.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Moving with Zoe

Zoe finished her Year1 last month and decided to move to another place before studying Year2.
Since I am so damn free so I decided to follow her to KL,help her with her moving and of course look around at this city.

As usual,choosing QuickLiner bus for its wifi and the plug so we can charge our phone and at the same time watch dramas on the bus.
Lucky us the bus pancat so we reached kinda late,met her roommate and went down for dinner.After that went back to the room,settled down,bathed and took some rest.

FYI I wrote this day by day.

Woke up quite early,went to Midvalley for KARAOKE! We took the lunch package and stayed there from 11am till 3pm.Since its weekday so normal price RM29 and student price RM22,including lunch and drinks and buffet(which only have fruits at that time) CHEAP! IKR!
Yes its OneOku's song.

After that Zoe got a Moo Cow frozen yogurt and I got a milkcow ice cream which served with a honey cube (milky cube).Of course mine taste better XD The icecream has a strong milk flavor and the combination with the honey is perfect! Although Zoe said the honey is quite sweet,too sweet for her.

Zoe and MOO.


Started shopping after resting a while,PARADISE,period.Was wearing high heels and I can't feel my legs right now...XD 
Dinner at Zanmai,Zoe had ramen and I had curry rice,of course gyoza too.Bought some groceries and bread before heading back.

Zamai dinner.


KINOKUNIYA!!! We went there from 10am till 1pm++ ,DO NOT BRING ME THERE. I just couldn't make the decision... And the price...aiyoyo!
After that we went shopping a while at KLCC there and of course Candilicious which totally IS the wonderland <3

Selfie with KLCC is a must.

Walked to The Pavillion and had Ramen for lunch at Tokyo Street.

Our lunch.

A view of Tokyo Street.

After lunch,went shopping there and walked back to KLCC and shopped a while.Had desserts at 许留山 which they serve mecchakuccha oishii mango desserts.Look at the yellowish mouth watering thingy!!!

Went to Avenue K for a while (actually we just passed by there but couldn't resist ourselves to walk in and shop a while LOL). Got cold pressed juice before we headed back.

Okay,done shopping whole day,so now,where's my feet?


Finally doing what we should.
Spared a day for tidying and packing up something before we move it to the new place.
Started watching a Korean show named 非首脑会谈 ,its a show with different people from different countries changing opinion and information about their country's soft news and cultural. If you have nothing to watch next or have free time went having your meals,this will be a nice choice. 

Furniture haul !
Went to MidValley to look for Zoe's new bed and table.
We went there from morning and didn't even realize it's afternoon LOL Because I'm craving for  toppoki,so we went to Dubuyo for lunch,a set is damn big and I am that full that I think I can not eat for daysss.

 Went by JuiceWorks on the way home and tamjiak me insist to try one,water doesn't count as food right,teehee.

We bought a lot of things but still taking the bus home,carrying things and getting weird looks from others,do I look like I care? Haha
Waiting for the bus.

Went back to the residence to put our things,got a five minutes rest,and went to IKEA.
Maybe it's Sunday and Raya is coming soon,the place is CROWDED. My energy level drops dramatically from 99% to less than 20% because of the crowd,mood spoiled.
And a funny thing is, although inside there is like only ONE WAY,I even can get lost and got the wrong way...ehemmm 
Before this I always wanted to try the meatballs and the salmon from IKEA,but because the earlier lunch...and the crowd...GIVE UP!!!
Nvm we still have the icecream there to look forward! Oh but the line is so damn long I gave up too LOL 
Went to The Curve which is opposite to IKEA,had two sundae cone,and found out that Zoe had matching nails with the blue cone,actually I didn't figured that out until I wanted to take a picture.
After that Zoe said she is craving for Coke (where can you buy just a cup of coke huhhh?) but luckily McD have this frozen,first try,refreshing nice.Craving satisfied.
The background is a Korean pianist playing live songs requested,the way he improvise it and his fingering,he must had spent hourssss on scales everyday.
After standing there for a while for the performance,we headed to first floor and went to Borders.
Zoe suddenly realized that she need to meet her friend less than an hour later,and we were both quite tired so we headed straight back to the residence.
Took a nap and took something (two heavy buckets) to the new apartment.Its about 2/3km from the residence but with the something I took,I felt like an eternity phewww.
Went back after tidying and cleaning up a bit,environment there is so nice they even have air-con at the area where we wait for the lift!

Moving day! *finally*
Woke up and went nowhere,tidying things up and rest. (Slept,to be true XD)
In the afternoon Zoe's friend came so that we can borrow her car to bring heavy things to the new apartment.
Well,I got some bruises lifting heavy loads up and down,clumsy me knocked on almost everything.This is the time when you feel girls are girls,boys are boys.
After everything settled down its almost dinner time.Although I don't feel like eating anything but maybe my body doesn't feel the same way,my hands are literally shaking.Decided to listen to my body haha.Went to Bangsar Village and had McD,after that we decided to go to the mall and buy some groceries.ALSO, FV is also having their popup store here,why not try our luck.
Walked in,after two shops.FV.FASHIONVALET.I almost screamed out of happiness when seeing it.YES I AM THAT EXCITED.

Finally moved.
To a much more better place.
Still staying here for a few days.
Long enough I think I'll continue in the next post ; ]

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