It was a blast!!!
Thanks to everyone, everything went well and finally comes to an end.
This is my very first event as an organizing chairperson in my unilife, at the third week of my first year first semester. I have a lot of complicated feelings throughout, especially in believing in myself that I can do it.
About the event,
Impact Showcase is a one day event where 6 projects under Aiesec in Curtin University Sarawak showcase what they did in their projects and how the Projects impact the community.
Compared to Global Village where every exchange participants showcase their culture, in Impact Showcase every project have people from different countries working together as one and improving the community. I am very glad and very proud to be able to work together with them and our relationship between each other got closer a lot throughout the preparation.
At first when I was asked to be the organizing chairperson of this event, I was thinking can I really do this(?) This is a whole new event that didn't been organized before, and we had totally no direction on where to work on, not even an image on how while it turns out.
Another thing that was worrying me is that being a very new(?) junior executive in Aiesec, can I really convince people to work together with me and how can I make others trust me.
It turned out that everyone in my team is supporting me very well, and gave their very best no matter how busy they are.
A few days before the event I was constantly very worried, as it is very hard to communicate with every projects and they're everywhere,
Days before the event, I was constantly going here and there to get materials for the EPs and going to their house for meetings and follow ups, although it was a tiring job to do after a long day of classes, I believe it's all worth it as I really do enjoy those time with them.
The day before the event, I was having whole day 8am-6pm class, straight after that I called for a meeting and we went for dinner before setting up the venue.Of course I was tired after the whole day, but thanks for the team's support, everyone stayed and helped until 2am, TeeHong came to help to give ideas and setting up the place, we worked until 4am, and I was truly touched deep down inside.
Throughout the journey, I am very glad to work together with them, and thanks for those who constantly ask if I'm alright, it means a lot to me and that keeps reminding me that I'm not alone.
On the day of the event, I was having two exams from 8am, so I can't be there to make sure whether everything goes well or not. After the first exam, I rushed to the venue and knew that the car with materials broke down, and things were not that smooth.
Well, I knew that things won't always go well, I've been there, even worse, but thanks for everyone helping out, even though the situation is worrying, I can still go for my exam without worrying as I have trust in them.
Finally finishing both of my exam, I went back, everything looks different. Things went well and the atmosphere was there. I have to thanks those EPs for working their very best to set up the booth and try to talk to every students that passed by. The most important thing is that everyone really did enjoy themselves.
Things turned out much more better than I though, and I believe this doesn't happened out of nowhere, so thanks for everyone who contributed no matter just a bit as it really does help a lot. We did roll call in the middle of LT foyer and I got to enjoy a lot.
Another thing was the fight inside myself. I was constantly worrying and struggling whether am I doing the right thing, is this the way I should do it, how can I make myself better etc etc. I am the kind that thinks a lot in my mind but barely turns anything into words.
Until everything ends, I'm still not sure whether I was leading the right way, whether I am facing and handling everything the right way but I am very sure that I did the right thing and I am doing something I'm passionate about.
At last, I'm very grateful for having the chance to organize this event. I believe it gave me much more belief in myself and made me felt alive.
Lastly, enjoy a video of the event!!!
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