__________Appreciate the little things in life.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Ending life as an intern

Two weeks left before I leave this big city.
Seeing everyone going to work in the early morning, and seeing the dim office light in the all dark office in the evening, everyone is struggling to be something. I sometimes wonder do they overthink like me, do they enjoy their busy hectic job, or do they just work for the sake of working, being numb with the everyday life.

Surrounded by people working their ass off every day, sometimes getting to experience the sardine train during peak hours, and the peanut butter jam on my way to work, is quite a dream come true to me.
I do enjoy living in small city, enjoy the peace and a lay back lifestyle, just like my hometown. That will be exactly the life I want when I grow old, but not just yet. I still feel like discovering the potential lies, or maybe just experience working the hardest when I am still young and having the energy. I am not afraid to fall, but afraid of not trying.

This three months in KL was eventful, and also, too short.
I am not ready to leave yet, as I feel I still have so much to learn, and the time being here is too short and I still feel that I can achieve more, if I am given the time. Life in a big city turns out to be exactly what I imagine (some part). I love how I am working some important and responsible things at work, communicating with people in the same field, using technical terms that only we understand, that feels professional and to think it deeper, it is something that I brought myself to, after studying these years, getting into this company, doing this small little role in the company. I am proud, although quite insignificant in this company. This small little achievement proud rush makes me want to achieve more, and become bigger. Hope this big dream of mine will be closer!

I am also liking how this time I got to achieve this work-life balance thingy (except for days Zoe finish work at 10pm and the only thing I want to do going home is sleep).
Other than that I do exercise, I do cook, and I started drawing too. On weekends I meet my friends, I visit places that I want to, I spent time with important people and I fill time up with the things that makes me happy. I tried to fill up all my time so I won’t feel empty, and it kinda work for this period, hope it still works the same for next semester.

Saying of filling up time. OOR is ‘crashing’ Ed Sheeran’s concert, a day before my birthday. I felt like giving myself a present, a tix to the concert but guess who spent a huge amount of money on BTS concert in SG I don’t think she can afford anymore although this time it’s much more cheaper ._. Let’s hope one random night I go YOLO and spend all my food money on that, sounds quite great I can go on diet and slim down too LOL
Saying of concert, BTS IN SG. Through this period of time I also went to Singapore, twice.
Once is for BTS concert and another time is for a site visit to the FPSO. Both were extremely great memories that I don’t have time to write my feelings into words and I hope I have the time soon! Now Singapore has much more meaning, because at the beginning of this year, 2019 when I was young, 22, I made the greatest memories with the loveliest people there, and also learnt so much and gained my first experience on site too!

I always tell people I am not ready for it to end just yet, just like how I told here. I had this mindset since I first came I guess, everything is just like rainbow cotton candies, fluffy and sweet since the first day, and I really hope things can just stay this way, forever. But I guess there are more responsible, more challenges I have to face, getting out the comfort zone (again, soon) to grow myself more before back to this lifestyle, where I work hard for things I want, in this busy and cold steel forest, but never failed to amaze me with every day with surprises and keeps me in awe.

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