__________Appreciate the little things in life.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Hi I am back and after so much thinking, I guess I'll be starting this #DearYou series as I felt that most of my posts here talks about what happened in life and what I went through, but less and none about how I really feel inside.
I write less about my feelings as I find it very hard to express myself and also I feel naked exposing all my feelings including my negative thoughts and weakness out there.
Most of my deep feelings are kept in my diary but under this #DearYou series will probably be where I grew, where I learnt, where I hope to tell myself that it is okay to be not okay.

All posts under this will be the most random things that happens in life, including lots and lots of negative thoughts and imperfections. It is okay to just skip if you don't feel like reading it, but in another way, if there is one, and only one that felt the same way and being able to relate, I guess my goal have reached.

Other than that, since it'll be recording how I feel during my highest and lowest, I get to see back when I am lack of motivation, or when I feel too high up there and need to be back to reality and stay grounded.
It is very hard for me to express how I really feel inside, so #DearYou might be very rare, but I just want it be there.

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